Visual inspection is the preliminary visit to the site and structure to assess the existing condition of the structure and to collect the relevant data, /documents and structural drawings of the structure. The non destructive and partially destructive methods to be adopted are evaluated for the particular structure based on visual inspection.
(As Per BIS - 14893)
With minimum interface with other site activities, the approximate pile length can be determined and the integrity of the pile can be assessed quickly. This test can be performed on any kind of concrete pile with minimum preparation, according to site condition.
(As per ASTM C805, BS 1881 Part 202, BIS 13311-P2 )
A general guide between the surface hardness and the rebound number for N-type hammer, is given above. Ref : SERC Conducted advanced course on damage assessment and rehabilitation of distressed concrete structures - Dec 1996.
(As per ASTM-C597, BS-1887-203, BS-6089, BIS-516 (Part 5 – Sec I)
To assess the condition with regard to homogeneity, integrity, identification of presence of voids, cracks and honeycomb in concrete.
Velocity Criterion for Concrete Quality Grading
The analysis and interpretation of test results will be on the base of above guidelines.
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Contour Analysis As per BIS-516 (Part 5 - Sec1)
(As Per BIS - 14893)
The impact echo testing technique is used to test the plain, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete whether it is precast or cast in-suit. The data is used to determine
(As per BS 1881-204, ACI 312-83)
Quality Assurance
To locate embedded steel reinforcement measure depth of cover and estimate diameter of reinforcement bars, including spacing of bars.
Condition Surveys
Check actual cover thickness for life prediction.
Nominal Concrete Cover to Meet Durability Requirements (As per BIS - 456:2000)
(As per ASTM-C876)
Corrosion mapping is very useful in identifying corrosion tendency in concrete structure before it develops further to cause the visible damage to the structure such as crack or surface deterioration.
The significance of corrosion in steel reinforcement can be assessed using half cell potential measurement. ASTM C876 gives the following interpretation with contour analysis.
Half-Cell Potential Measurement Acceptable Limit
Half Cell Potential Data Contour Analysis As Per ASTM C 876
(As per BS 1881:201)
Used to monitor change in exposure
To Determination the Corrosion Rate
According to the experience from the laboratory and in situ tests, the above criteria are recommended by the Manufactures the equipment.
Concrete coatings are common in industrial and commercial building. Structures are specified for a minimum coating thickness. This ultrasonic device provides a non-destructive means for determining coating thickness.
(As per ASTM C 1202, AASHTO T 259)
Chloride diffusion is detrimental in as much as direct corrosion by pitting on steel and electro-chemical process of corrosion due to reduction of the passive layer around steel. Rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT) is a quick indicator of permeability. The values in coloumbs indicate the corrosion potential in terms of CL - permeability.
(As per BIS-516 (Part - 4), 456, SP 24, ASTM C39, C42 AASHTO T22)
Concrete strength" typically means the compressive strength of concrete, depends on a number of factors, such as
(As per ASTM - C856, C457, C1084, C294, C295, C642, C157)
This study covers the following parameters
(As Per BIS 456-2000)
(As Per ASTM D4748)
Studie in this systems is intended
(As Per ASTM C1404)
To determine the surface strength of concrete
To measure adhesive strength of
To check the overlays
(As Per ASTM - D4788)
This study in intended
As Per BS 2011:Part 2.1Ea, 3015, 7129, ISO 2631-2, 3010, 4356, DIN 4149 - 1, 4150-1, 4150-3
Construction activities are expected to affect buildings and building occupants in all sectors where the distances from vibration source to receiver are sufficiently large to effectively mitigate the effects. The sectors in which vibration effects are most likely are those where operations are undertaken in close proximity to sensitive receivers and/or involve high-vibration activities (vibratory rollers, piling and blasting)
The key vibration sources for the construction phase are anticipated to be:
Building Vibration Testing
Field Work
Field Test
Index Property of Soil
Shear Strength Parameters of Soil
Consolidation Parameter Test
C.B.R. Test
Permeability Test
Data Analysis and Recommendation
Analysis of all the data collected from field and laboratory tests. Complete report be submitted with our expertise comments based on guidelines for selection of foundation type, size, depth, bearing capacities and economic construction procedures.